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Statement of three brotherhood alliance on the current political situation

Statement of the Three Brotherhood Alliance on the current political situations and the government of Myanmar’s designating the ULA/AA as an illegal terrorist organization


26 March 2020

The heinous act of the government of Myanmar which designated one of the members of our Three Brotherhood Alliance, the ULA/AA, as an illegal terrorist organization declared on 23 March 2020 has destroyed a hope for the stalled political negotiations and rather headed for serious political crisis. We will continue to implement military and political cooperation with the ULA/AA according to the previous practice while categorically rejecting the government of Myanmar’s unfounded and unwarranted accusation against the ULA/AA. We will stand in solidarity.

Such declaration of the government of Myanmar is a very resemblance to implementing the disunification and dissolution of the Union of Myanmar and this odious act is a similar attack of pushing other revolutionary organizations of non-Burman peoples not to stay in the Union but to separate from it. Despite designating the ULA/AA as a terrorist organization, on the other hand, ample evidence of war crimes and terrorist acts brazenly committed by the Myanmar Army in the territories of non-Burman peoples for seven decades in reality have proved that Myanmar dominated by Burman ethnic group is a criminal state and the Myanmar Army is an internationally recognized state-terrorist organization. Therefore, the International Court of Justice (ICJ) has opened to investigate a war crimes case against Myanmar.

Such an unsubstantiated claim of the government of Myanmar is a deliberate and coordinated campaign, which is attempting to defame the ULA/AA, shift responsibility and find a scapegoat, that the government of Myanmar is a complicity in the war crimes and crimes against humanity committed by the Myanmar Army. The government of Myanmar and the Myanmar Army have attempted to coverup war crimes committed in their military operations in line with the Bamar racism and Burmanization policy.

Although it is urgently needed to build a peaceful political environment in Myanmar, not to recur unnecessary armed conflicts and losing human life from both sides and to implement negotiations and peace-talks practically so that the Bilateral Ceasefire Agreement could be signed, the best way to find a conflict resolution through political dialogue has been terminated by the Myanmar Army and consequently intense clashes caused by the belligerent and offensive assaults of the Myanmar Army are accelerating.

Our Three Brotherhood Alliance of the MNTJP/MNDAA, the PSLF/TNLA and the ULA/AA appraise that political situation of the multicultural peoples is in a catastrophic condition and the whole political process in Myanmar has completely been regressed by the current ongoing clashes and power struggle in the parliament.

The Myanmar Army always accuses us concerning illicit drugs in their most press conference. However, a large amount of narcotic drugs have been seized only in the territories which are controlled by the Myanmar Army, their paramilitary and people’s militia groups under the command of the Myanmar Army. A recent seizure of millions of dollars’ worth of drug haul in Kut Kai township in Northern Shan State is just a political plot of “the big thief captured other thieves” that the Myanmar Army has performed.

People’s militia groups formed and established by the Myanmar Army can produce such large amount of drugs in secretive places because they have received full protection from the Myanmar Army. The fact that now is the time for political dirty tricks, some people’s militia group have been made a scapegoat by the Myanmar Army. Similarly, the Myanmar Army has deliberately attempted to brand our revolutionary organizations as drug cartels in order to discredit our struggle in international political arena.

It is true that serious human rights violations including war crimes committed by the Myanmar Army against civilians in Arakan, Paletwa region, Ta’ang and Kokang have not only deviated the path to national reconciliation but also destroyed the peacebuilding process in Myanmar. Our Three Brotherhood Alliance is prepared to be ready for genuine political dialogue while taking decisive defensive actions together with the oppressed peoples against the offensive assaults of the Myanmar Army.

Three Brotherhood Alliance



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