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Congratulatory Statement to the Independence Day of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh

Congratulatory Statement to the Independence Day of

the People’s Republic of Bangladesh

March 26, 2022

On 26 March 1971, the Father of the nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman and its people proclaimed the independence of Bangladesh, and after launching the War of Liberation, freedom and victory was achieved on December 16, 1971. This independence struggle by the people of Bangladesh and its leaders is a great envy for other colonized people and territories around the world.

We, the ULA/AA, together with the people of Arakan, would like to recall and pay deep respect to the supreme sacrifices made by the 3 million martyrs during the liberation movement while admiring the successive generations of the people of Bangladesh for keeping its freedom and independence strong and well. Nowadays, after five decades of independence, the people of Bangladesh can enjoy the fruits of being a sovereign nation, and the country is also on the right path to peace, stability, freedom, and development in line with the spirit of the Liberation War - to build a ‘Sonar Bangla’ (Golden Bengal).

On the other hand, the people of Arakan have long been under colonization for more than two centuries by Burmese and outside colonizers. Oppression and exploitation have left the Arakan people with great hardship for daily life. Their cultural identity is on the verge of total loss. Though the story of Arakan colonization is not yet widely known internationally, the yearning for freedom and independence struggle by the people of Arakan is beginning to emerge steadily and bravely under the leadership of ULA/AA. And Bangladesh Independence struggle is a great envy for us as it gives us strength.

Bangladesh being as our ancestral neighboring country with strong cultural ties, we always welcome Bangladesh for collaborating to have mutual benefits between our two ancestral neighboring societies. We profoundly believe that marching toward the path of liberation and self-determination for our people while promoting mutual trust and benefits with Bangladesh will help better to achieve our desired outcomes.

May the Dream of Sonar Bangla Do Come True, and so does the Arakan Dream.

Central Executive Committee

United League of Arakan (ULA)

1 Comment

Zaw Ajor
Zaw Ajor
Mar 31, 2022

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